Sunday, March 15, 2015

Allies at Galileo's Trial

There are a few individuals that I should look to cooperate at Galileo's trial. Francis Bacon is perhaps as important to the development or empiricism as I have been. His ideas are very similar to mine and I am certain he also supports Galileo as I do. I hope that he to realizes that we have common goals in pushing the use of empiricism to all research and maybe even by the Church. Another ally I should look to work with is Copernicus. Nicholas Copernicus developed his heliocentric theory and has gained not only Galileo's support but mine as well. I should look to work with him to help convince the court that the notion of heliocentricism is completely valid, as Galileo has done extensive research using the empirical method and has come to the same conclusion as Copernicus. We can help steer the Church away from persecuting Galileo for his findings even though he has reached them through sound research and means. We do not look to clash with them and their ideas, we just seek to reach a sound conclusion for us all.

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