Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Personal Agenda for Galileo's Trial

I hope to use Galileo's trial as a means of pushing ideas that I endorse upon the scientific community as well as the Church. I hope to push the use of the empirical method into the spotlight during the trial, highlighting the advantages and benefits of using observations and facts to draw conclusions. I hope to prove to the Church that Galileo's reasoning to reach his conclusion is sound, and rather to condemn him for this, I hope that they should use this method to prove their theory instead. I do not want the Church, as great and powerful as they are, to punish the scientific community for using a sound method to draw upon conclusions that they do not agree with, rather I would like to see them implement this method which I so highly support to try and prove their theories and ideas using this method. It is crucial that I find individuals that agree with me upon this, for I shall need their help to reason this with the Church, but if I can succeed at this, it shall be a great leap for the scientific community along with the Church in finding the true ways that everything works.

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